
While on a walk with my Dad, he told me something that I will never forget. He said, "One of my biggest regrets is that I feel I didn't show my family the joy in the gospel." I have two wonderful sisters who have chosen not to be a part of the church. If they had experienced more joy and less guilt and obligation would they still take part in the gospel? All I know is that I love them so much and have learned so much from them. They are remarkable and smart. They just don't feel the truth, joy and blessings of the gospel or else I am sure they would want it. God wants us to be happy. I believe he wants us to be sincere and hard-working and he never wants us to feel guilty or inadequate. Guilt is unnecessary. I know that I need to realize where I can improve and accept that life is a journey of learning step by step. God will help me improve and will never judge me for where I am at in my progression. 

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