
I thought this was interesting. It is directed toward men but I think women have a lot of similar fears. I liked the to do list. Each number of the list is good but I especially like numbers 4, 5,9 and 10.

  1. 1. 
    Come to the Lord. 
  2. 2. 
    Study the scriptures with constant prayer, praying to feel the Lord’s acceptance. 
  3. 3. 
    Be pure. 
  4. 4. 
    Cultivate a spirit of appreciation. 
  5. 5. 
    Do not compare yourself with other people. 
  6. 6. 
    Serve others for righteous reasons. 
  7. 7. 
    Cultivate friendships with individuals you can listen to and share with.
  8. 8. 
    Date regularly, but date those who have similar interests.
  9. 9. 
    Be prepared to choose, using a proper balance between agency and inspiration.
  10. 10. 
    Forgive everyone, especially those who may be partly responsible for your fear of marriage.
Click to read the whole article : The Faith to Marry

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